::A heart-thumping experience?::
Hello back again after a long time and a set back getting all my rejections and stuffs. Well sent out some resumes and stuff, today got a new toy, my TV tuner PVR recording @ mpeg 2 if that means anything to you. = ) Ermz. Why hearth thumping you may ask me today. Well it's just that was walking around Carre Four today and mua friend was checking out the laptops, just as we were about to leave someone just caught my eye, well it turns out to be a friend, someone special. My heart just started to thump really really hard and fast. I was like duh! Yo Mark whats up with you man, then was like woa... thump thump thump. My mind went wild and emotions just flew. I was feeling something, some excitement. It's like a child waiting to see what gift he is getting. Been a year since I last saw her but it's like how come would you feel so much? Is it cause my feelings for her have not changed? Why the sudden trigger? It's not like the feeling like when you check out a cute girl on the street it is something else? Well think that is life.... Sigh...
Free Thy Emotions Ver. 2.0
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Monday, June 09, 2003
::SAD = (::
So 2 letters in a go! 1st was NTU We regret to inform you that your application to ... blah blah blah! Seesh! Damn it why are the so many people studying in the Singapore Uni the goverment donned this education system on us and they still want to get lotsa foreigners so that they can generate revenue is it, save on tution grants! Sigh. This is the sukiest B'day I have had with 2 rejection letters. Talk about a slap in the face. Think better wake up. Perhaps would go down to Aussie for my studies and get things over and done with. Times are gonna be tough and things are gonna get tougher. I cannot even take Engineering in Uni in Oz land. Well think I just have to pray and ask for directions kinna messed up and now with life set straight again with all these letters think it is time for me to move on and stop staying in the past! Life is full of upz and downz well think it is time for me to change the downz and make upz out of them. = ) Carpe Diem. Take care those reading and God Bless!
So 2 letters in a go! 1st was NTU We regret to inform you that your application to ... blah blah blah! Seesh! Damn it why are the so many people studying in the Singapore Uni the goverment donned this education system on us and they still want to get lotsa foreigners so that they can generate revenue is it, save on tution grants! Sigh. This is the sukiest B'day I have had with 2 rejection letters. Talk about a slap in the face. Think better wake up. Perhaps would go down to Aussie for my studies and get things over and done with. Times are gonna be tough and things are gonna get tougher. I cannot even take Engineering in Uni in Oz land. Well think I just have to pray and ask for directions kinna messed up and now with life set straight again with all these letters think it is time for me to move on and stop staying in the past! Life is full of upz and downz well think it is time for me to change the downz and make upz out of them. = ) Carpe Diem. Take care those reading and God Bless!
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
::Celebrate Good Times!!::
Hey hello to all. I dun really blog on a regular basis because erm.. dun think there is a lot for me to talk about. Well going to have some fun cause erm... B'day comming I guess. Damn the Singapore education system! Rejected again! Once again I have been rejected by the Universities NTU and NUS! Well suk it!
Well I guess that been a little slack also erm. Have this thing about being uncertain about the skills that I have. Although trained in IT it seems that I have a lot to learn and what I have leant from the school is very surface and there are lots of stuff that have to be self taught. But one thing that I can thank is that we leant about problem solving and stuff and it does help me improve my rate of leaning new IT skills. Wish me all the best there was some arguement a while ago about JC students. HAha but dun think I will bring it up again! Cheer all! Wish me happy B'day if you dun mind get me something from my wish list! HEhe....
Hey hello to all. I dun really blog on a regular basis because erm.. dun think there is a lot for me to talk about. Well going to have some fun cause erm... B'day comming I guess. Damn the Singapore education system! Rejected again! Once again I have been rejected by the Universities NTU and NUS! Well suk it!
Well I guess that been a little slack also erm. Have this thing about being uncertain about the skills that I have. Although trained in IT it seems that I have a lot to learn and what I have leant from the school is very surface and there are lots of stuff that have to be self taught. But one thing that I can thank is that we leant about problem solving and stuff and it does help me improve my rate of leaning new IT skills. Wish me all the best there was some arguement a while ago about JC students. HAha but dun think I will bring it up again! Cheer all! Wish me happy B'day if you dun mind get me something from my wish list! HEhe....